Tape Worm

taenia solium

Tapeworms have segmented bodies. Each segment is called a proglottid and contains a set of both male and female reproductive organs. As new segments form, older segments shift down the length of the worm. The oldest are at the posterior end of the worm and once these reach the gravid stage, the segments containing eggs separate from the worm, passing into the host’s gut and out with its faeces. 

Tapeworms anchor themselves to the inside of the intestine of their host using their scolex, which typically has hooks, suckers, or both. They have no mouth and absorb nutrients directly from the host’s gut. 



Story contribution:

Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr
Tissue Culture & Art Project
SymbioticA, The Centre for Excellence in Biological Arts
School of Human Sciences + School of Design
The University of Western Australia

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